Dear Friends of Leon High School, 

Over three decades ago, a group of parents and caring community members started “Project Graduation” at Leon High School. The event allowed for a safe way to celebrate all the accomplishments of our high school graduates. In 2021, due to the pandemic, instead of “Project Graduation” Leon High School held an outdoor Senior Carnival. The carnival was a tremendous success and we have decided to continue this tradition to celebrate the Class of 2024! The incredible success of these past celebrations was a direct reflection of the support and generosity of the Tallahassee business community. In this regard, we are humbly seeking donations and sponsorships for the Leon High School Class of 2024 Senior Carnival. This year’s carnival will happen the afternoon of Friday, May 17th, 2024, and will provide the students a time to gather as a class to enjoy fabulous food, music, games, and walk away with awesome prizes! The Leon Senior Carnival is an extensive and expensive undertaking facilitated by a committee of parents who have volunteered their time to make this a reality for the Seniors of Leon High School. The estimated cost of putting on this event is close to $15,000. 

Though it sounds a bit daunting, we know that with your generous support, we can make this an event our seniors will never forget. To make this happen, we rely heavily on donations from businesses, friends and our Leon Families and Alumni. To give an overview of how you may support this important event, please see the proposed partnership packages attached to this letter. Your generosity will be recognized and appreciated by all of us at Leon High School – students, parents, teachers, coaches, and administrators. You will also be publicly recognized in print publications as a supporter of this event. Please help us celebrate the class of 2024 by supporting this project. Your prompt response of completing the enclosed form and returning it to us by April 15, 2024, greatly helps to facilitate our event planning. 

Thank you in advance for your support of Leon High School’s Class of 2024! 
Go Big Red! 
Felicia D. Williams, Ph.D. Chair, 
Class of 2024 
Senior Carnival Committee [log in to unmask]

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.