Every year in November, families across the world take part in Diabetes Awareness Month. World Diabetes Day is on November 14th, first created in 1991 by the International Diabetes Foundation and the World Health Organization. This date was picked as it is also Sir Frederick Banting’s birthday – the medical scientist who discovered insulin along with Charles Best.  Last year, marked 100 years since the discovery of insulin too.

Each year, one of our very own students, Maci Mathews, celebrates this month with her family. Maci was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 15 months old and along with her wonderful support team including our very own Nurse Beck, her teacher Mrs. Sanford, After School Director, Ms. Green and countless others she has continued to manage diabetes extremely well and thrive in her everyday life.

World Diabetes Day is this Tuesday…let’s show our support for Maci and other families at our school who manage Type One Diabetes by wearing blue this Tuesday, November 14!

Thank you so much for your support!

Kim McFarland
Roberts Elementary School

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