Good evening Moore Family!

I hope everyone had a great day at work today. If you had a hectic day like me, remember, we have one more day until the weekend. Yaaaaay! 


I am reaching out to remind you that the next meeting will be on Monday, September 18th at 6pm. This will be a virtual meeting, which is awesome! I have attached the agenda for the next meetIng to this email. Please invite another Moore parent to attend. 


Before I go, I want to share so dates for everyone to put on their calendar for this month.


There will be a signup sheet coming to you on Monday for those who are interested in volunteering to help out with the World’s Finest Chocolate event which will begin on September 26th. Tuesday, September 19th, is crazy sock day as well as our share night at Skate World.  Friday the 21st, is the deadline to get your child’s order forms in for Blue Pops (yum). My last reminder because I don’t want anyone to forget, there is no school on the 25th (Fall Holiday). 

Hope to see everyone signed one to the meeting. Below is the zoom information. Have an awesome Friday!



WT Moore PTM 

Topic: September PTM Meeting

Time: Sep 18, 2023 06:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 306 912 0529

Passcode: 1234




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