
You should have received an email with your new PikMyKid student code. Make sure your child’s profile and dismissal plan are updated. This program is a phone application downloaded onto your smart phone (found in the app store) and will allow you to notify the school of pick-up changes and authorize others to pick-up your child from school.

If you do not think the school has your mobile number on file or if your child does not appear in your app’s home page, contact [log in to unmask] or mailto:[log in to unmask] after registration, with your child’s name, school, grade, and updated contact information for you.

Anyone who will be picking up your child should also register themselves with the application. Their screen will be blank and they will not have any authorization until you allow it within the app. Also, the new car tag with student last name, teachers name, and your PikMyKid code should hang from your mirror each day at pick up. You can announce your arrival when you see the red stop sign in the median on Pimlico Drive.,1,ilUjEpVeIV7Mg24-Fb-IWYSM8eFYiHDVX2XXi84ss5dOpQ-0pGoKIFBGwg6G2U45bjhLOyGTSI3WUa9B-Nd2swFKNIrdoFlX350tAtXiu0muVPnpA1Y,&typo=1

Please complete the form on the link below with transportation methods for your child. If you have completed this please don’t do again.,1,5E1Tmg8uGliuA8ejJTsVNG45X7zpazHAp1zyMyG2uIaD6faSJa96G5iTkNkavfYERCIh97Z3we0jkcEhcnzUaS3frDjJe-HX1VjRI2ZKG4LCu96fdg_Gdw,,&typo=1

We want to also remind everyone of the school dress code. See the attached document and if you have any specific questions please email me.

We are very excited to welcome all of our Red Foxes tomorrow morning. Remember, traffic will be challenging the first few weeks. Please have patience and use kindness with each other. Extra staff will be on hand to receive children at car drop off and busses to escort students to their classrooms tomorrow morning. Only pre-k parents are permitted to park and walk their students to the outside classroom doors.

Have a great evening and we will see you tomorrow!

Kim McFarland


Roberts Elementary




*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.