
Lunch Bunch starts today, August 14th!
Lunch Bunch Guidelines

  *   All parents/visitors MUST check in to the front office and get a Visitor's Badge before reporting to the cafeteria.
  *   Please arrive several minutes before your student's lunch time to allow time for checking in and reporting to the cafeteria.
  *   You will meet your student in the cafeteria.
  *   Visiting siblings/youngsters are to be supervised by parents at all times
  *   Due to food allergies, food may NOT be shared with other children.
  *   Please do not take pictures of other children.


Please download the app and refer to the website for additional support


Emergency Information Sheets

Please make sure to return your Emergency Information Sheet (pink form)
back to your student's teacher.


August 22nd- PTO meeting @ 6pm
August 31st- Open House
September 4th- No School, Labor Day
September 12th- All Pro Dad
September 25th- No school, Fall Holiday
September 26th- Fall Picture Day
September 26th - October 2nd- Book Fair
September 29th & October 2nd- Grandparents Day

FortifyFL<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fgetfortifyfl.com%2f&c=E,1,6rAxvjmqDoFsdkXGPQo6xvxcKlrtHz8IeJl_wuI8pHxI8HeKBxwEFPTaJqg__69MxDndyx3JBm_1KrDKwCxFYYpua3SPuzeja0xJeqPmV-hzV9ueKBbGuUuNibo,&typo=1> is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.

For an Immediate, Life-Threatening Emergency, Please Dial 911.

Please Note: Florida Statute 943.082 <http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0900-0999/0943/Sections/0943.082.html> states that following an investigation, if it is determined that a person knowingly submitted a false tip through FortifyFl, the individual may be subject to criminal charges under FL statute 837.05.<http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0800-0899/0837/Sections/0837.05.html>


*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.