Dear Godby Families,


We are excited to kick off the 2023-2024 School Year at Godby!  Your student can now view their course schedule in Focus (Student or Parent Portal).  We encourage you to do so to familiarize yourself with your schedule prior to the first day of school.  Each year student schedules are created from your course request form. With a school the size of Godby, creating student schedules is an extensive and lengthy process requiring hours and hours of diligent work by the scheduling team. The faculty and staff are hired based on the courses requested by students slated to attend Godby High School. In addition, based on student choices, teachers attend summer training opportunities.

 Schedule changes will ONLY be made for the following reasons: 

  1. Remediation requirements set by state educational mandates. 
  2. The student has already received credit for the class. 
  3. The student is a senior and needs a certain credit to graduate. 
  4. The teacher recommends a change. 
  5. There are scheduling conflicts. 


Schedule changes WILL NOT be made for the following reasons:  

  1. Parents/students requesting a specific teacher.  
  2. Parent/student has changed his/her mind about elective courses.  
  3. Rearranging order of classes.  
  4. Student request to lighten his/her academic load (excluding level changes) 


It is our mission to ensure that students are enrolled in academic classes that reflect their ability levels. To accomplish this, the Godby Administration may allow a level change. Level changes are only made under the following conditions: 

  1. The student has completed all class assignments. 
  2. There is a teacher recommendation for a level change. 
  3. The student has sought help from various resources (teacher, tutoring, etc.). 



SCHEDULE CHANGE REQUEST FORMS will be available in first period classes beginning August 11th.  Forms are due by August 17th.  


Emails and phone calls regarding schedule changes slow down the process – please utilize the form and await notification.


Schedule changes will only be made during the first 5-7 days of classes once school starts.  The Guidance Office/APC will address individual requests in the order that they are received.  Requests for schedule changes made after the August 17th deadline will not be considered.



Fortify FL


*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.