Good afternoon, Wolves!

We have had a great two weeks at the Creek!  Our softball and track teams have started their seasons, our fine arts programs are preparing for end of the year performances, and our students are entering the 4th nine weeks of the school year.  Our end of the year state assessments are quickly approaching.  Please review the attached letter discussing specifics about our Spring testing schedule.  Please see the attached QR code for tickets to Wednesday's track meet at Godby.  Starting April 10th, due to road construction,  access to the Fairview softball fields will only be possible on Zillah Street from Tram Road.

A big congratulations to Mr. Rodriguez and our Science Olympiad students!  They recently competed in the state competition and placed 19th overall, one of the highest finishes for any Swift Creek teams.  A special congratulations Jason and Ben for finishing state runner up in the Solar System category!

We are preparing for the 2023-2024 school year with school visits, parent meetings, and course registrations.  Last week, administration visited Buck Lake, WT Moore, and Chaires elementary schools and met with our upcoming sixth grade students.  We are excited to have them on campus in April for our musical theatre performance of Shrek and provide them an opportunity to tour our campus.  For our new Wolves, please visit the link,1,4mD2_GNQ3XPqHMs6pyg2C1yM7Im_5SKWg_2CblRb-hsyFfktesw2_I54Dt3LSh1NdQg0n-zmxgXH8ajdNgdKxBzQ8Cea84l3-Y90a7h4DHKpMoO7bqi_ERn9IPQ,&typo=1 for resources that will help with the transition to middle school.  Next week, we will host a current 6th and 7th grade parent night on Tuesday, April 4th, from 6:00-7:00 in the Cafeteria.  We will discuss the course registration process, high school course opportunities in middle school, course progressions at Swift Creek and how they impact high school options, and have representatives from Lincoln to help answer any questions.  Course registration opens after that meeting for all future 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Swift Creek students.  A link to the appropriate online course form is on our website, with a help video.  We are asking that all forms be completed by April 14th.  Lincoln High School is also hosting an AP night tonight and Curriculum night next week.  Please see the attachments for more information.

PTSO is preparing for their silent auction on Friday, May 5th and are asking for gift card donations from the community to auction off at the silent auction.  Please visit<,1,pL5_W_4FopJ8SXt9kYitEVzzZFwyGHoDIrAdiu0F4Y6XiLa7axec3cccxtranSSJowTZPmGQcl7tG0Onb20v4yu9SzEVx4jLh6iga3QnhVUq1bHD1HrH9Z8,&typo=1> to donate.

Lincoln High School is hosting a volleyball interest meeting for incoming 9-12 grade students on April 17th at 6:oo pm in the Lincoln High School Forum (Cafeteria).  They are also hosting a summer volleyball camp for students entering 5th-9th grade girls July 10th-13th.  Please see the attachments for more information.


There is no school next Friday, April 7th.  I hope everyone has a great week!
*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.