Good Afternoon!
Next week is set to be a busy week!

? Individual and Class Picture Day - Wednesday, March 8th

? 3rd Grade Musical Performance - Wednesday, March 8th

? 4th Grade Musical Performance - Thursday, March 9th

? Field Day and Last day of the 3rd Quarter - Friday, March 10th!

Spring Break - Office Closed
The Conley Elementary Office will be closed from March 13th through March 17th for spring break.

Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is beginning at Conley. Please see the attached flyer to see if you are interested in participating.

Field Day Volunteers
We are in need of a few volunteers for our PM shift for Field Day on Friday, March 10th.  Our PM shift will be from about 11:30am-2:15pm.  If you are able to volunteer to assist at a station for our 3rd-5th graders, please email Coach Vance at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> .  As a reminder, you must be an approved volunteer in order to participate.  If you have not already, please fill out the form here:,1,gjnZd9MDEDdRGw1UryVbaVlm-c-W_BniA18-CjmWJcY4ZG_h9wEj3mtNx7BxJBk1VXzc94Pgr7z0CZNdbVixXkWIynFC0n6MMjysz-6Gc9QHw-85Qk4u_ctUuxDO&typo=1

Car Riders
If you need a new car tag please click the follow link to enter your information: CAR TAG REQUEST FORM<>

Don't Forget to Like and Follow our Facebook Page!<>  Click this link! We post pictures and updates several times a week! Check out the great things happening at Conley Elementary.

Future Dates:

3/10 - Last Day of the 3rd Quarter/ Field Day

3/13 - 17 - Spring Break - No School

3/20 - Teacher Planning Day - No School

3/29 - Report Cards Posted to the Parent Portal

4/7 - Spring Holiday - No School

4/16 - Interim Reports Posted to the Parent Portal

5/22 - 24 - Early Release Days - School out at 12:20

5/24 - Last Day of School

Have a great weekend!

[Conley Signature]


If you no longer have a child at Conley and would like to be removed from receiving messages, please follow the link below and complete the steps to be removed from our listserv.,1,RcH092nK2gvH8jlVaDzv39evKfjTvMY3Y6Bl1buly1HnA82hRPK5Avu8Y4G8YCYGezBune4f7DvOQfBg-hcH2WhfbcOSeYLk_eK4e_hfVSCyOzc,&typo=1<>

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.