Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to begin the 2023 year at Conley today! I wanted to provide a few transportation updates to start our year off as smoothly as possible.

In the morning our car lane is open until 8:25 in order to allow students time to make it to class on time by 8:30. Students who arrive after 8:25 will need to be signed in by a parent in the front office. We are continuing to use a release system to have students on the curb waiting for you as you arrive in the afternoon. It is important to help this process work that you have your car tag with you daily. Students wait inside the building in a holding location until you enter the car line driveway. Coach Vance will enter your number and your child is then sent to a dismissal location color based on the order you arrive. As we work to make the line move more quickly please remember:

  *   Display your car tag as you drive into the loop until your child is in your car
  *   If you need a new car tag please click the follow link to enter your information: CAR TAG REQUEST FORM<,1,Yiv-QiTZR4eqUfT958VsDhnxZPzC_y-Tdo6J9PoT3eJEvmyd38Anx_lUv7YS8vuEw_dwCoaf2rlB1Tr3C4C7ybiHnkAJqwJxA5pzeNfIm3NzkwxZ1HCugdQ,&typo=1>
  *   Once the cars in front of you move, please pull all the way forward. We will direct your child to follow you until stop at the next car.
  *   Please be courteous of others who have been waiting. If the line is past the first u-turn, you will need to drive further down orange avenue to join the end of the line.
  *   Please consider allowing your child to ride the bus if you live within our bus zone range
You will notice a new look to our exit lanes as you leave the line today. The city of Tallahassee added lane dividers to the exit over the break. I know that this has been a request of our parents since I have been here and I hope this will help ease frustrations that many have experienced entering and exiting our car lane.
For our bus rider families, we will continue sending out emails by listserv if our buses leave school later than expected so you will know to expect a late arrival.

Our EDEP program is currently at capacity for AM and PM service. Please contact the front office if you need this service and would like to be added to the waiting list. We also have a number of outside vendors that pick up students for outside after care service. If you would like a list of these vendors please contact our front office.

Thank you for your patience as we work to safely send our students home each day!

[Conley Signature]

If you no longer have a child at Conley and would like to be removed from receiving their messages, please follow the link below and complete the steps to be removed from our listserv.,1,wphuhlWGe0DqgR6cgUxvg2kTV7Fqvjli6MAJhDWgNNA9XWpew4uc951w9Q_r_obqB8acXfPJRHCkW-Fkz5w0xEFgq84bu907iZaSBw0GuvDKjYbOXv8bAg,,&typo=1

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.