Good afternoon, Wolves!


It was a great week at The Creek!  Students participated in a variety of holiday themed activities throughout the week.  Our Taylor Swift-themed Tuesday was a big hit!  I appreciate the support from the district, nutrition services, and all of our students and teachers in providing resources to make this a great event for the students.  We were also able to raise over $1,500 for charity!  Our Teal and Black give back day was also a success, with over 350 items donated and available for the Leon County Schools Food Pantry.


Our Winter sports concluded this week, with our girls basketball team finishing second in their division.  We are very proud of our boys soccer, girls basketball, and cheer teams for their hard work and dedication this season.  Our fine arts programs also had a number of successful performances this nine weeks.  I am always impressed with the leadership, effort, and positivity our students model as they showcase their many talents.


Our second state progress monitoring took place last week.  Parents can access their student’s Individual Student Reports for FAST grades 3-10 via the state’s Family Portal.  Parents can access the state’s Family Portal via the FOCUS Parent Portal by clicking the “Florida Statewide Assessments” icon on the right side of the screen next to each student.    You may need to use a desktop/laptop computer to sign into the Focus Parent Portal to be able to view and click the ‘Florida Statewide Assessments’ icon. 


Yearbook would like your help to provide quality pictures for this year’s yearbook.  When you are at Swift Creek events this year and take pictures, please consider submitting them to our Yearbook Snap.  Please see the attachment for more information. 


Our 8th grade Gradventure trip is currently full.  If you did not sign up in time, please see the attachment for more information on how to join the waiting list.


Lincoln baseball is hosting skills camps in January for students in grades K-8.  Please see the attachment.


Over the break, we will be upgrading the furniture in our cafeteria.  With this upgrade, we will be removing the remaining microwaves for student use.  While I recognize students have become accustomed to their availability, Swift Creek is one of the only schools providing this to students and their use has become a safety concern.  Please make arrangements to provide student lunches that do not need to be heated in a microwave or plan to have students utilize the school lunch program.  As a reminder, outside food deliveries are not accepted.  Thank you for your help and support.


I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.  I look forward to seeing all of our students back at Swift Creek on Wednesday, January 4th.

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.