Attention Cardinal Families...

Canopy Oaks is proud to announce that we will be participating in the "Be Bold, Go Gold" fundraiser through Leon County Schools to benefit childhood cancer awareness. Be Bold , Go Gold is a fundraiser that benefits our local community. All funds remain in Leon County. Mr. Hanna has agreed to dress in all gold and lip sync to a song if we can raise $10,000 as a district. Our school goal is $1,000.  If we can reach our goal, Ms. Mortham will participate in an event, TBD by the students! How can you help?  We are asking our students to bring in loose change from Monday, September 12th, through Wednesday, September 28th.  We will total the amount raised each day and share it on the morning news each morning!  Want to see how we are doing?  Click the link below to subscribe to our morning news channel on YouTube, so you can tune in each day!  Thank you in advance for helping our Cardinals join in the fight to end childhood cancer!

Canopy Oaks Elementary School
Home of the Cardinals
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