KSES community,

Please see the above attachments from PTO. We will be celebrating our amazing faculty at KSES the first week of May.

This is a reminder that tomorrow April 15th is the spring holiday, there is no school. We will see all of our crocodiles on Monday the 18th.

Julie Lawson
Kate Sullivan Elementary School

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From: Ami Vega <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 5:17:42 PM
To: Lawson, Julie <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: Keisha Franklin <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Parent List Serv - FAW

EXTERNAL - This email originates outside of Leon County Schools

Could you please send the following link and attachments out for FAW?

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.