Mustang Families,

We need your help! This year we're hosting a fundraising event to help our school raise $17,000 for PTM teacher classroom grants, recess materials & storage bins, and benches for our new track!

Starting TODAY, you can register your student on MYBOOSTER.COM<,1,JbHEZ8nOCKIx4y-xqR7nF__MU01jGM2XKFtd5bJ2PVV1w1MqKO9EJGLm8Yw2ogINuCm3gKPvf4UQwNCZ7NnKg3qDpfLmiiSUo1OTGrkAQ3Nl9rUQvxQOVw,,&typo=1>! Registering is easy, and your student earns a FREE prize just for registering.

Here is a quick video overview all about THIS WEEK:,1,w5Je30xqsHgepEFCPUgfZ8iEfyiZ2JwaJH1MQDf6mTlNzXog0Rt9YWBrb1DwdYz5JetMDBsgvaVigQcwd6TnQO1LlyJmTFvYXlp57_3FSE-qmQ,,&typo=1

Be sure to check out all of our sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM<,1,KcU3cg90CFv-p3FSgCCgv-WnvSNiK0ysZBUmI1GgcNGnjX5tj53ptlPVv6iuQO6lKvZx-gvqQH8Z0eIJsQrEAD8lK0t9d7_bRy1g-0gAuf4EdXCjuftJ3w,,&typo=1> to let others know how they can help support our school:

*        Make a Student Star Video to share with Facebook friends!
*        Use the Easy Emailer to email family, friends, neighbors, and local businesses.
*        Log into MYBOOSTER.COM<,1,5ULcTvcVE8g-gLXaHGojBXyQzZX9MRude4gykoCECpPnnJllIIKA9RVPnIobwLQBoCWv1YR3h_MxykN14NO0_xY0Nl8JJ8Z8yos_GzfFt-EARw,,&typo=1> from your mobile device, click share, and send texts to friends and family.

Please Note: There is NO obligation to give! Simply sharing with friends and family can help our school. Sharing is supporting, and all students can participate, regardless of financial participation.

More information to come over the next few weeks!

[WTM Email Signature 21_22]

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.