Happy Wednesday Parents, Guardians, and Staff!

This week's email is early so that you can sign up for this great event we just learned about.  The FSU Invitational Cross Country meet invites elementary students to come and experience the first Elementary School race in the FSU Invitational meet history. The 3K (1.8 mile) run will be held on Friday, October 15 at 5 p.m. There is no entry fee.  Also, admission and parking are free. Everyone competing will receive an official race bib and a commemorative gift.  Their goal is for our students to experience the Apalachee Regional Park in a great atmosphere, with the hope that their participation may inspire healthier lifestyles in a fun environment.  The race is open to students in kindergarten through 5th grade.  We only ask that you sign your student(s) up here: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fforms.office.com%2fPages%2fResponsePage.aspx%3fid%3d2yopaSqnN0WqJNZ6b1ZCvJ0P7Sq3NOpGl8ezrZiW_ONUN0tXMjc2QkxQSzVPMlVaOVJIMVZYWEY2Qi4u&c=E,1,gtdJIGolI0jWOclDg7R1Fo1CSKA84gnkJKJtLVB26WOibzbQ4vWG_jslMaREVVQfCWjri4g-K5AT00n_Is8GUmhLVocXp8DH00nakNjLOLA4kyQ,&typo=1<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.office.com%2FPages%2FResponsePage.aspx%3Fid%3D2yopaSqnN0WqJNZ6b1ZCvJ0P7Sq3NOpGl8ezrZiW_ONUN0tXMjc2QkxQSzVPMlVaOVJIMVZYWEY2Qi4u&data=04%7C01%7C%7C44def9e29b054539d14008d988ef7e76%7C69292adba72a4537aa24d67a6f5642bc%7C0%7C0%7C637691384635727407%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=SJeLr5JrrSbmLla9AMYyD9rSO8PaI7IdfPcFjKdenZc%3D&reserved=0> by noon (12:00 pm) on Friday, October 8 (this Friday!).  Again, we apologize for the late notice, but the run sounded just too fun not to pull together.

[Matilda by Roald Dahl]Attached is the book order flyer to purchase Concealed, the book for the 3rd - 5th grade author visit.  Please submit to Mrs. Tamplin if you are interested in purchasing the book.   The author will be visiting on October 22.

I will be starting to host a principal's book club.  For the month of October, we will be reading Matilda by Roald Dahl. If a student reads the book and earns an 80% or higher on the AR test, they will be invited to a book talk.  Our monthly book talks will take place on the last Wednesday of the month.

Dates to Remember

October 8 - Deadline to sign up for the FSU Invitational Cross Country meet (12 pm)

October 15 - End of First 9 Weeks

October 15 - Human Growth and Development Session for 4th and 5th grade students

October 15 - FSU Invitational Cross Country meet

October 18 - Teacher Planning Day - no school

October 20 - Guest reader AR celebration with book character (K- 2nd)

October 21 and 22 - Individual School pictures

October 22 - Author visit (3rd - 5th grades)

October 22 - Paint Hawks Rise PINK by wearing pink for Breast Cancer
October 25-29 - Red Ribbon Week - please see attached details

October 27 - Report Cards

October 27 - Matilda book talk

November 11 - Veterans Day holiday - no school

November 22-26 - Thanksgiving holidays - no school

December 20 - January 3 - Winter Holidays - no school

January 4 - Teacher Planning Day - no school

Happy Wednesday.


*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.