Today, we were informed of one positive student case of COVID-19 at Conley.   An e-mail was sent to students in the classroom, through FOCUS, and a letter will be distributed to the impacted class.

Please remember to keep your student home if they have any symptoms of COVID- fever, headache, cough, runny nose, stomach distress, etc.  If your student has completed a test for COVID, please have the student remain home until the test results are available.  If you notice any symptoms (fever, runny nose, sore throat, difficulty breathing, stomach distress, etc.), contact your child's pediatrician immediately for further evaluation and testing. If the physician recommends any testing, please keep your child home until the results are received and notify your teacher as soon as possible.

As a reminder, please contact the school immediately if someone in your immediate household receives a COVID test or tests positive for COVID.  If someone at home develops COVID-19 symptoms and tests positive, everyone in the household must quarantine.  Please contact the school immediately if someone in your student's home tests positive and we will explain the procedures.

We take our commitment to your child's safety seriously and are working closely with the Leon County Department of Health to follow CDC guidelines and best practices during this time.  If you have questions about Covid-19 you can call 866-779-6121.

If you have questions about Leon County School's COVID-19 Protocols please visit,1,_hOAwkcxxMmcCXs8GZEHvSH0LfnHFVLAtI-zoQLtjX7AxjegBf-gfeeBLw19ZFVhHG9SzRjUUbvfRl2iVDr85z-YWlvJ0Ktnt4wcLTqvGaFvt1pBpfjpdLEt&typo=1
In Class 2021 / School Health Plan<,1,yp4LB3ON2VQ3LwUUfmr7K0h0QDLjta0Kx_2lItHnPt_UhXTtZJCuFqrReNTWTt7x6AG5hUrFj0QU5ZSTn2y8r-ZnU5Yg33hmnZyyqkC6Yw,,&typo=1>
Masks Required - Temporary use of masks is required for Pre-K - 12th grade students while indoors throughout the Leon County School District.Ex: In Class, transportation (buses), after school programs, etc. Masks are not required outside.,1,ddid8wGKrfwo9sGZQA5HfrDCrYo6gGwGWzUeLTwsdy93XwO5TZnQBEihuK_7NwpzLK0ldbc49xL-mUCpy__-wZNBlZLkqAD23ue1kXhcx096WNoEJdtpCLc2yB0,&typo=1<,1,Al4IYS8EEgAJDYG-prM-yn_oZH2pp7sgf6ni54b1iB_n69Hx7TcnpIII1Pd_cySh7zoImEg3ZU-W5F_6lmCnqhsOGAQycYmZH1ebkeLY8iilQw,,&typo=1>

*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.