Good afternoon, Yellow Jackets!

It has been a busy week and a half at Conley as we prepare for the first day of school tomorrow.  Our teachers have worked hard planning health, safety, social, emotional, and academic lessons for our students.  Our support staff has been phenomenal in their preparations, as well.  We are excited to welcome students back to school!  Please see the helpful reminders for the first day/ week of school listed below.   I have also attached a handout with reminders, for reference.

-          Student supervision begins at 7:45 AM, unless a student is enrolled in before school care.  All gates will be closed until that time.  Please do not drop your student off prior to this time.  At 7:45, we will open our gates and begin assisting students out of their cars.  Since parents and volunteers are not allowed on campus, we ask that parents remain in their cars in the parent drop off loop and wait for their student to receive assistance out of their car.  Bus riders and walkers will follow the same procedures at the front of the school, by the main office.  Parents will not be able to exit their cars or escort students past the front gate of the school.  We will have staff to escort students to their classrooms.

-          Students should arrive to school prior to 8:20.  Free breakfast is available for all students this year, but our Cafeteria will stop serving breakfast at 8:20 in order to allow students an opportunity to arrive to their classroom before the tardy bell.  If a student arrives after 8:25, they will need to be signed in through the front office.  We will have staff outside to assist students and allow parents to remain in their vehicles for late drop off.

-          Students will be required to wear a mask throughout the day.  Teachers will provide mask breaks and students will not be required to wear masks at recess, lunch, or PE. We encourage parents to provide water bottles for their student along with an extra mask, labeled, with the student's name.

-          If a student feels ill or has a fever, it is critical that they remain home.  If you receive a call from the school to pick up your student, please make arrangements to arrive as soon as possible.  Any student with a fever must remain home until they are fever free for 48 hours.  Please notify the school immediately if your student receives a positive test result for COVID or is required to quarantine for close contact to a positive case.

-          We encourage parents, if they pack their student's own lunch, to pack food that can be opened without assistance.

-          If you need to change the traditional method of pick-up for your student, please make arrangements in advance and notify your student and your student's teacher.  We ask that these changes be made no later than 2:00 and be limited to emergency situations, utilizing [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  Students will not be permitted to check out between 2:15-2:50.

-          We will be utilizing a new dismissal program for our car riders in the afternoon.  It is critical that parents display their car tag daily to expedite the dismissal process.  If you need a second car tag, please contact your teacher.

-          Supervision of students ends at 3:20, unless they are enrolled in after school care.  Please make sure you arrive before this time to pick up your student.  If students are picked up after 3:20, they may be placed in our EDEP afterschool program and the appropriate fees will be assessed.

We are excited to see all of our wonderful students tomorrow!  If there is anything we can do to help make this school year a success, please let us know!
*SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.