
This email is to inform our community about Leon County Schools’ efforts to address the three Florida State Board of Education rules related to health education topics recently mandated for implementation during the 2019-2020 school year.
•       Rule 6A-1.094121, F.A.C. – Mental and Emotional Health Education (establishes a minimum of five hours of required instruction related to mental and emotional health education for grades 6-12 students and documentation of the delivery of instruction)
•       Rule 6A-1.094122, F.A.C. – Substance Use and Abuse Prevention Education (documentation of delivery of required instruction related to Substance Use and Abuse Health Education for grades K-12 students)
•       Rule 6A-1.0642123, F.A.C. – Child Trafficking Prevention Education (documentation of delivery of required instruction related to child trafficking prevention for grades K-12 students)
In accordance with the above rules, we will be providing required instruction related to mental and emotional health education, including substance abuse prevention for students in grades 6-12, through EVERFI, a company that provides mental health education. For more information about EVERFI Mental Wellness Basics visit,1,bEWyQRscEWv5z7sVtvIWCW3el2-LXhGuK7g0kBEUHA3qJfxZ8fUT9ueV-dn8yJmyJD9oxHyj6TRVyP2-_FRaIgf5gjpL9Cn9UwITBubgx9BwLzLUTuwvOtiazQs,&typo=1

Additionally, the FL Department of Education has provided age-appropriate programs of Child Trafficking Prevention Education which can be viewed on DOE’s webpage at,1,Fpf7Dj6vceHJ-1JtY-tRiaBRHULFLBzIxpQQHookrthdYGc2NTrcG-z8yUdjR2F03HPspBAOMB535Xilf-oAYSpEIryU8tkUgMMjEv-F-mvJHA0EequF&typo=1 Our school administrators and curriculum team will preview and select the most suitable and developmentally appropriate materials and methods of delivery for each grade level.

For more information about how Mental and Emotional Health Education is being implemented, contact Julie Lawson 850.617.6161.

 *SUNSHINE LAW AND PUBLIC RECORDS CAUTION: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual student records are deemed confidential.