Can you believe that we have almost come to the end of the first quarter of this school year?  Actually the last day is October 21.

By now everyone should have received their Parent Portal passwords and can view grades.  If you have not received this information or are having trouble with this site, please call and we will be glad to assist you!

On Thursday, October 20th Cobb will hold extended parent conference hours from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Parents may call guidance at 488-3363 to schedule a conference.  This time has been set up for parents who would like to meet with teachers and are unable to make a day time conference.  It is not mandatory but we do always appreciate seeing our parents!

On October 24, there will be no school for students as teachers will observe planning/in-service days.

Things to think about for November-

November 2; report cards go home.
November 3; Magnet Spaghetti Dinner (more info to upcoming)
November 28; progress reports go home

You will soon receive information about the Magnet field trips.  The sixth grade will go to Kennedy Space Center and the seventh grade will go to SeaWorld.  The cost will be approximately $150 for each trip.

And for this weekend-
We are looking forward to seeing you at Applebee's on the Parkway for breakfast.  If you have not already purchased tickets, you may get them at the door.  The cost is $7 for adult and $5 for children.  For those who are planning to work, please be there by 7:30.  Breakfast will be served from 8-10 AM.

See you there!!!

(Don't forget to check the calendar on the main Cobb webpage.  There are lots more important dates listed!)