Just in case you may have missed a previous email--

The Annual Spaghetti Dinner at Cobb, dates as far back as 1981 and has proven to be a strong fundraising event.
Now, having been adopted by the Cobb Applied Science and Technology Program, we are happy to announce the
Fifth Annual Magnet Spaghetti Dinner.

Here is how it works as--Cobb provides the cafeteria, cutlery and drinks; parent volunteers provide the food and
service labor. Each 6th grade family provides a cooked pasta dish; each 7th grade family provides a salad dish with
dressing and bread; and each 8th grade family provides a dessert dish. Portions should serve 8-10 people.

Tickets are $5.00 per person (tickets for children under 7 are $2.00) and will be presold through the Magnet Science Classes. Students will receive their tickets from their science teacher. Prepaid tickets can be purchased Thursday, October 28th through Wednesday
November 3rd. Tickets will also be sold at the door. It is our hope that each Magnet family will purchase a minimum
of five tickets to sell. This minimum may include your own family.

Checks should be made payable to Cobb Middle School.

For more information about the Spaghetti Dinner, please contact:
Wendi Davis or Gail Mosley

For those of you who have participated in the Spaghetti Dinners before, you will see a couple of changes this year-

1.      The time has changed-5:30-7:30
2.      We have included a "reservation" time slot for people to choose from that start at 5:30 and run in 30 minute increments.  This does not mean that they are GUARANTEED that time but is an effort to let them know that they do not have to arrive at 5:30.  We hope that this will help the lines to move more fluidly.
3.      There will be different stations-
a.      Salad station-Haley is head salad slinger
b.      Dessert-Gass is the head dessert designer
c.      Drinks-Curry will head the lemonade/tea stand
d.      Food line-Mosley will be directing traffic in the food line.
4.      Tickets-The cost is flat--$5.00 for adults and $2.00 for kids 7 and under.  Prices will not change at the door.

Everyone is encouraged to attend this historical event! If you would like to help with any of the above stations, you may either contact that person or just show up with a smile and fast hands!

PS-if you have decorating ideas or contributions-please forward those!


You should expect report cards to come home Tuesday, November 2.  Overall grades look pretty spectacular and we are very proud of the students! They have worked very hard and have enjoyed learning!

And for your review:


Hasn't this quarter flown by?

Have a great family fun weekend!  See you at the Spaghetti Dinner!
