For your consideration-

One of the most important skills that your child can establish is organization.  When students are organized, they get better grades, they are less frustrated, and they have more time for recreation, friends and family.  Yet in the middle grades, organization can appear to be one of the most daunting tasks that you may face.  Here are a few tips that parents can use to help.

*       Make sure that your child has a folder, binder or notebook that is labeled for each class.  Unless instructed otherwise by the teacher, there should be a file at home for returned papers, quizzes and tests.

*       Check your child's planner/agenda book regularly to make sure that your child is using it correctly.

*       Remind your child to put all handouts and assignments in the appropriate folders in their binders.  (This may require that you purchase a 3 hole punch for home use.)  There should never be loose papers loitering in binders or backpacks.

*       Designate one day a week to have a 'spring cleaning'.  Help with eliminating extraneous material that may clutter not only their notebook, but also their minds.

*       Show your child how to manage large, long-term assignments.  Help them to break these down into smaller and more manageable tasks.

*       As part of the bedtime ritual, have your child get ready for the next day.

*       Some parents may even find it necessary to work on organization more than once a week, but be sure that your child is a participant and not a spectator!  Eventually, you will be able to pull back a bit and allow some room for independence as their skills mature and are established.

Next week:

*       We will continue the ticket sales for the Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's.  The breakfast is Saturday, September 18th  FUN FUN FUN!

*       Open House is Thursday, September 16, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

*       Parent Portal should now be accessible.

*       Health Screening-Tuesday, September 14,  from 8 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. for all 6th graders.  If you would like to volunteer to assist with the screenings, please contact Ms. Bell.

Coming up:

*       The eighth grade magnet field trip to Atlanta-October 1st and 2nd.  Thanks goes to Ms. Law for organizing this super-fun activity!

*       Spaghetti Dinner-October 8th

As always-we appreciate working with you and your children!  Have a great weekend!