Please read and enjoy the references that are listed in this article from
the Florida Department of Education. Have a positive day!

Michelle Gayle
Proud Principal of Griffin Middle School

The Florida Department of Education is celebrating Black History Month and
the contributions African Americans have made to our nation. As we
recognize moments in education's past, present and future, we are
celebrating the month with an exhibit featuring photographs, memorabilia
and historical facts. The exhibit and other events we are hosting pay
tribute to Florida's outstanding community and education leaders who have
dedicated themselves to making opportunities available for others.

This year, we highlight the 50th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court
decision of Oliver Brown v. The Topeka Board of Education. In May 1954, a
national and social policy was changed when racial segregation was
declared unconstitutional.

Parents, there will be special tours and events on Family Day, Saturday,
February 21. Please see the other links for information on notable African
American educators, a suggested reading list for Black History Month,
resources for lesson plans and links to other interesting Black history
web sites.

Our rich educational heritage in Florida has been shaped by many great
African Americans. Please join us this month as we honor the significant
contributions made to the development of our state.


Jim Horne
Florida's Commissioner of Education

Notable Educators
Black History Links
Books by Grade Level
History Quiz
Curriculum Links

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