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Brenda Fraser <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 6 Apr 2007 13:58:15 -0400
text/plain (199 lines)
4/9 - 4/13 Spirit Week

Monday, 4/9
Spirit Week - Sports Day

Tuesday, 4/10
Spirit Week - Retro Day

Wednesday, 4/11
Spirit Week - Mix-n-Match Day

Thursday, 4/12
Spirit Week - PJ’s day

Friday, 4/13
Spirit Week - Book Character Day
COE Read-a thon
Spring Carnival, 5:00 - 8:30 pm

Upcoming School Events:
4/19   Writes Upon Request Testing
4/23   Fifth grade orientation at Griffin Middle School
4/24   Progress Alerts Go Home
4/26   "Take Our Sons & Daughters to Work" Day
4/30 - 5/11  Kindergarten Registration
5/2    5th Grade Trip to Sea World
5/7 - 5/11 Spirit Week
  Monday - Spirit Week - Dress up day
  Tuesday - Spirit Week - Twin day
  Wednesday - Spirit Week - Hawaiian day
  Thursday - Spirit Week - Camo day
  Friday - Spirit Week - Sports day/Hat day
5/11  Field Day
5/14  SAC meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the media center
5/14  PTO meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the media center
5/15  Kindergarten Orientation
  9 a.m. -10 a.m. Tour for parents and children
  6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Informative Meeting for Parents
5/18   AR Celebration in the cafeteria,
  K - 2 @ 8:00 - 9:00 am
  3 - 5 @ 9:25 - 10:15
5/22   5th Grade Celebration @ 8:30 a.m.
5/22   Early Release Day, Dismissal @ 11:40 a.m.
5/23   4th 9 Weeks Awards Assemblies
  8:00 a.m. K, 1st, 2nd
          9:30 a.m. 3rd & 4th
5/23   Early Release Day, Dismissal @ 11:40 a.m.
5/24   Early Release Day, Dismissal @ 11:40 a.m.
5/24   Last Day of School for Students
5/24   Report Cards Go Home
5/25   Teacher Planning/Inservice Day
5/28   Four Day Work week begins
5/28   Memorial Day Holiday (School closed)
5/29   Teacher Planning/Inservice Day
August 20, 2007 - First Day of School for the 2007-2008 school year

Principal's Message
As we begin the last grading period of this school year, we are looking forward to some exciting
events.  Spirit Week and Field Day are always favorites and we are going to enjoy the COE Spring
Carnival Zoobilation next Friday.  With testing behind us each grade level will be concentrating on
mastering the final curriculum benchmarks for the year and planning end of the year events.  This
is one of the most fun periods in our school year and everyone is ready for spring!

New Start/End Times for 2007/2008 School Year
With the proposed seventh period day for high schools, there will need to be changes in many
school start times.
The school start time committee has proposed that the instructional school day at Canopy Oaks
for the 2007 - 2008 school year begin at 8:05 and end at 2:25.  This proposed time will go to the
school board on Tuesday, April 10th.  You will be kept up to date with school time information.
Per school board policy, supervision in the morning (which is at no charge) will begin at 7:20 a.m.,
which is 45 minutes prior to the instructional day.  There will not be a fee based before school
program.   School day will end at 2:25 pm and per board policy, supervision will end at 2:55,
which is 30 minutes after the end of the instructional day.

Cardinal Carnival
The Canopy Oaks Cardinal Carnival, Fun Run, and Silent Auction are next Friday, April 13th from
5:00 - 8:30!  The 2nd annual "Fun Run" will kick off the carnival at 5:15 pm.  There will be games,
food, face painting, moonwalks, and much more.
You will definitely want to stop by the cafeteria and check out the baskets and cakes in the Silent
Auction.   Our teachers/staff have made the cakes!  If you pre-ordered tickets, they will be coming
home with your child(ren).  If you didn't pre-order, you can purchase tickets at the carnival.  There
will be plenty of fun for the entire family!

A Celebration of Reading
Canopy Oaks will have a read-a-thon on Friday, April 13th.  Students may dress as their favorite
character from a book and participate in a parade around school, enjoy a puppet show in the
media center and participate in reader's theater.  Each grade level will have many activities to
celebrate reading throughout the regular school day.

Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten orientation will be held in two parts.  The first part will be Tuesday morning, May 15,
2007.  It is a tour that parents and children may participate in.  It will start at 9:00 am and last
until 10:00 am.  You will have a chance to see classrooms and other parts of the school.  You are
invited to eat lunch in the cafeteria after the tour.  The cost is $2.50 for adults and $1.75 for
children.  The second part will be held the evening of May 15, 2007.  It is an informative meeting
for parents.  Kindergarten teachers will be speaking and handing out the kindergarten handbook.
The evening meeting will begin at 6:30 pm and last until 7:30 pm in the school cafeteria.

The District Priorities Brochure is now online as a PDF file. You may access it via our web page or
this link:

Thursday, April 26th is the designated date for "Take Our Sons & Daughters to Work".  The
guidelines used by Leon County Schools are consistent with Ms. Foundation's recommended age
group, which allows the participation of boys and girls in grades 3 through 8.  Schools must
receive a pre-approved letter from the parent and/or guardian indicating the student's
participation.  The parent/guardian must also provide the school with a written statement on
company letterhead verifying the student's attendance at the worksite.

Kindergarten registration is approaching fast.  Registration at Canopy Oaks will be the first two
weeks of May.  The following are kindergarten requirements for registration:
_ Child must turn 5 years old by 9/1/07.
_ Proof of a physical within the past year.
_ Shot records (the blue card).
_ Original birth certificate (the one without the footprints on it).
_ 2 proofs of address (Check with front office to find out what is acceptable).
If you have any questions, please call Janet Allen at Canopy Oaks (488-3301).

We have LOTS of items in our lost and found!
Please take a few minutes within the next few weeks of school to come by and look for any items
that might belong to your child. After the school year ends, the lost and found will be donated to

Have you Moved??????
If you have moved or if you move over the summer, please bring us proof of your new address. If
you move out of Canopy Oaks' zone, you will need to withdraw your child/ren and enroll them in
the school for which you are zoned.

Parent Involvement DVD
The Florida Department of Education (in partnership with the Florida Parent Teacher Association
and the Florida Association for Partners in Education) has produced a free DVD entitle "Your Child,
Your Public Schools:  A Virtual Tour".  This DVD provides information on several key areas of
interest to your parent population and can be viewed on either a TV with a DVD player or a
computer.    Key topic areas covered are: FCAT, School Choice, School Grades, and Parental
Involvement & School Success.  The DVD's were sent home with students in PreK, 2nd, and 5th
grades.  If you would like a copy of the DVD, we have some extras in our media center.

We have ordered extra yearbooks for people to purchase who did not order one previously.  The
cost will be $18.00 per book.  We are taking names at this time as it is first come first serve.

April is Earth Month and Leon County Recycling would like to let you know about our upcoming

April 14th - Earth Day Green Fair at the Tallahassee Mall
Leon County and City of Tallahassee Residents are invited to join us at the Tallahassee Mall from
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for a day of "Learning To Be Green." Exhibits will provide information on
local government services, local Green businesses, Green non-profits and other Green groups.
There will be many prizes and giveaways for all the participants as well as FREE confidential
document shredding. An Educational Scavenger Hunt in the mall will help to make the event fun
for the whole family. For more information contact the Leon County Recycling at 606-1823, or the
City of Tallahassee at 891-4YOU.

April 21st - Cash For Trash
The City of Tallahassee is having a "Cash for Trash" event from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at their Solid
Waste Services location (2727 Municipal Way) in Tallahassee. Cash for Trash allows City
RESIDENTIAL solid waste customers to bring in virtually anything too large to fit in your 90-gallon
garbage container except household garbage or yard waste.

April 21st - Keep Tallahassee Leon County Beautiful presents "Superman"
The activities begin at 4:30 p.m. at Cross Creek Place (Mahan Drive & I-10) and the movie begins
at dark.  Be an Eco-Superhero and help fight litter in our community. For more information call
681-8589 or check out their website at <>

April 22 - Earth Day
This is the day where YOU can evaluate your individual impact on the Earth and make small
changes that can have big effects on all of our lives.

April 28th - Compost Bin Sale
Our next compost bin sale will be April 28th at the Tallahassee Mall from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Composting is a great way to help reduce the amount of waste you produce at home. By
composting unwanted organic food scraps you*re starting off on the right foot to producing rich
soil for your plants or garden and reducing how much waste is produced everyday. Get to the
event early its first come first served and the compost bins tend to go fast.  For more information
call us a 606-1823 and/or check out our Compost Bin brochure on our website

Nutrition Tip of the Week
Protect your heart:
Limit red meat, salt and fatty foods to keep your heart healthy and arteries clog free.

Physical Activity of the Week
Find the Fit:  It's easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see your
friends. Take a 10 minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV.
Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30
minutes every day.

Canopy Oaks activity calendar is available on our website at:

Please forward this on to other Canopy Oaks parents who might be interested in joining our

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